Yesterday's song was really about how AM companionship can really contribute to a person's fulfillment, not just about Morning Nookie... Today's song, on the other hand, I'm not sure sure. Continuing with our Joyful 2011 here's Isaac Hayes' Joy Part 1. Can you dig it?
I'm not sure if I'm going to keep Reggae music exclusive to just Mon-Days because quite frankly, sometimes I feel like getting my dread on and sometimes I don't. So in the future, if you see a song that doesn't hail from the isle of Jamaica on a Monday, just relax mon, I'm just feeling something else. If you are in a bind, you can always check the Reggae archives by clicking the Labels over on the left hand side. Otherwise, click any other label.
That being said... On this first Monday of 2011, you might be dragging a beaten body back to work after a year-long weekend and you might just need some smooth, smooth Alton with some Joy in the Morning.