Friday, December 31, 2010


The final Word of the Day for 2010...

Hogmanay: a gift given on New Year's Eve.
proper noun: New Year's Eve in Scotland.
Well if that's a thing... then consider this link-filled 2010 EDAS retrospective a regular ol' Kilt-Wearin', Haggis-Chompin', Highlander Chasin' Scottish Hogmanay!
*go on and click around, I promise they won't bite.

A year ago today, we were Rocking to  Song #29, a mere pittance since today, the archive contains well over 300 posts and who knows how many songs. I've shared my tears, my fears, my Christmas Pastmy travels (large, medium & small), and even some of my friends chimed in. Needless to say, it has been an eventful year here at Every Day, Another Song and even though I give myself the occasional day off nowadays, I still plan to continue to make this blog a big part of my life and hopefully yours too. While 2010 does it's best to Hang On; inevitably the Snookie-Ball will drop and 2011 will begin. I say Bring it on! Stay tuned to see what next year has in store, right here at Every Day, Another Song.

Dr. Dog - Hang On

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Every Day, Another Song

James Brown - Soulful Christmas

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tribute to John Lennon

30 years ago today, possibly the single most influential man of a generation was shot and killed just a few short blocks from my childhood home. Of course I wasn't born yet, but you can see that the loss is still felt today. His death at the hands of J.D. Salinger Marc David Chapman left a void in his adopted home of New York, as well as the entire world. If I had to describe John Lennon's influence on all mankind, I wouldn't even know where to start, but it ends with his message traveling over any social or geographic barriers. A great example is this Reggae output by Ranking Joe on his album Tribute to John Lennon, released in Jamaica mere months after Lennon's assassination.

The title track is far from the former Beatles' work, style-wise, in fact it's closer to Barrington Levy, but does a good job illustrating his Martyrdom amongst the downtrodden. Listen to Ranking Joe's Tribute below, then chase it with a live showing by the man himself, who in a perfect act of reciprocal synchronicity, advocates for reggae right back.

Ranking Joe - Tribute to John Lennon

John Lennon - Well, Well, Well

Friday, December 3, 2010

So I'm 25 (REDUX)

SURPRISE!! I knew I wouldn't be able to kick this habit Cold Turkey. I wish I could use strikethrough in the title because I am certainly not 25 anymore. Now as a 26 year old everything is different... Just kidding.

I've actually been doing a lot of introspection on this anniversary of my birth, wondering to myself, What exactly, if anything, has changed? Well I'm still here aren't I? If you care, you can time travel to exactly one year ago, when a spontaneous neurotic quarter-life crisis lead me to blogspot to create Every Day, Another Song. Heavily inspired by the concept and lyrics of my legitimate, number one favorite song (despite all my other superlatives, Change is my favorite for sure) I decided to embark on a year long journey. I wish I had a deep and clever, yet succinct lesson that I've learned during this experience, but what can I say? It's Life... All I know is, it goes by wildly fast, but there's music in all of it, if you are listening. 

Here are a couple alternate versions of the Song that started it all. The first is an acoustic Jam that takes place with the original Members of Blind Melon, including the late Shannon Hoon, possibly in the previously mentioned Sleepyhouse. The second video is from the band's most recent tour, almost 15 years later, and features Shannon's daughter, Nico on lead vocals. Just shows you how things definitely do change, but how much do they really?

Song #1 REDUX: Blind Melon - Change (Acoustic)

Song #1: Blind Melon with Nico Hoon - Change

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Sorry for all the suspense but I just couldn't think of what to say. It has truly been a pleasure spending the last 365 days with you. Obviously I'm extremely passionate about music and damn proud of it but having the outlet to share my thoughts and inspirations has really taken it to another level. I am sad to announce that this, my 365th consecutive day, a full year after this project was started marks, the end of one chapter and the beginning of another (blissfully less regimented) one. I no longer expect to update this blog Every Day. Fear not because I still plan to post the same awk-thentic streams of consciousness that you may have gotten used to, just with a little more time in between to deepen and fine tune my ideas.  So stay tuned and you might see some old favorites, Biggie Sunday, Rasta Mon-Day and the long forgotten Cover Clash make a comeback. As for now, on the eve of my 26th Birthday, I just need a little space. Thanks again for listening, I hope you enjoyed the soundtrack to my ramblings. See you guys back here soon.

Yours Truly,

Song #365: Joe Cocker - Space Captain

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So tomorrow's the day... I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and it looks glorious.  Here is one the hardest rocking bands I've ever seen (their early stuff only) and the band I've seen live the most (5 times). Rilo Kiley ended most of the shows I saw with this spectacular song... To this day, listening to it still gives chills.

Song #364: Rilo Kiley - Spectacular Views

The last time I saw RK was at Bonnaroo 2005 and they came out for an encore and did a super intimate  acoustic version consisting of just Blake Sennett, Jenny Lewis, one keyboard and one bench. I found a video from about the same time and its definitely a worthy juxtaposition.

BONUS SONG: Rilo Kiley - Spectacular Views (Acoustic)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Listener Request

People always ask me (they never ask me this) "Don't you always get requests from your readers about what songs they want you to post?" Well, interior monologue, I do... in fact that has been one of the most rewarding parts of this project. My love and appreciation of music has inspired others to look inward and share with me the songs and musicians that they are the most passionate about, and that just furthers my interest which, in theory, starts the whole cycle again. 

One of EDAS' most (in)famous commenters has a colorful connection to one of music's most unique specimens, Frank Zappa. I bet he even knows about Zappa's days as a Bike Player.  

Now my interaction with Zappa is far less deep, in fact my only memorable listening experience occurred in the beginning of my freshman year of college. My ahem 'cliche' ahem long distance relationship ahem 'cliche' ahem  with my high school girlfriend ahem 'cliche' ahem  was on the outs ahem 'cliche' ahem just around the time that I really began meeting new people ahem 'cliche' ahem and broadening my horizons ahem 'cliche' ahem , especially musically ahem 'cliche' ahem. Before long, our puppy love had fallen victim to the soulless reaper that was infinite members of the opposite sexand I was ahem 'cliche' ahem pretty bummed. Back then we had a thing called Compact Discs and I popped The Mothers of Invention's album Freak Out and the pure absurdity actually cheered me up. Before long I was back up on the horse. That being said, I hope I don't feel the need to listen to any Zappa in the future, but I still appreciate his zany, post-modern take on Music. Here is my favorite track from the aforementioned Freak Out, one that now I have on brand new, up-to-date technology. 

Luchador Mask by Katie Hodge

Song #363: Frank Zappa - Hungry Freaks Daddy

Monday, November 29, 2010

Rasta Mind, Rasta Soul

If you have been listening at all, you know about Bob Andy. Quantitatively, you may know more about Alton Ellis, but sentimentally and culturally, you should know more about Keith "Bob Andy" Anderson (if you still don't, read my 96th Post). Recently I was pleasantly surprised to see that a favorite magazine of mine, Wax Poetics, came out with a Reggae Issue, but then I was basically floored to see a several page spread on my personal "Reggae Hero." The article is amazing and references all of Bob's influences from Doo Wop stars of the 50's to Sam Cooke to Bob Dylan and beyond. In fact, writer Seb Carayol, who does an extraordinary job, says his collection of Studio One singles Bob Andy's Songbook, "is often considered the island's best songwriting effort of all time." That means a lot when going up Jamaica's Head Honcho, Bob Marley. Anyway I sincerely hope you pick up Wax Poetics, Issue 43, and check it out, it also has articles about other EDAS All-Stars, Alton Ellis, Gregory Isaacs, as well as tons of other key Reggae Kings and Queens. It's bi-monthly so you probably have a few more days to before the next issue comes out, but I would definitely hop to it. 

On this, what very well could be the the final Rasta-Monday... hell, ever. I salute Bob Andy and his unparalleled song writing that, although written and recorded in the infancy of Jamaican Sovereignty, still holds true and offers sound advice today, when listened to almost 50 years later on Saturn's Moon Rhea, where we all live.  

Song #362: Bob Andy - Feeling Soul

I've decided to also include Bob's first big hit, which shot up the charts when struck a chord with all the Jamaican Expatriates who left home, looking for a better life. Interestingly enough, Bob has confessed that the home he references, is actually a state of mind.

BONUS SONG: Bob Andy - I've Got To Go Back Home

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bone & Biggie

After much deliberation, I has been decreed that the final Biggie Sunday of the year (maybe more?) is going to be this supreme collaboration. The honor will be shared between the namesake of this weekly rap sabbath (of course) and the subject of many of my musical curiosities Bone Thugs-N-Harmony. If you recall a few weeks ago I had a post that featured my favorite lines to open songs in what I deemed the Non-Rap Category. This epic masterpiece probably takes the cake for best opening line in the Yes-Rap Category, even though its about 1:15 into the song. 

Song #361: The Notorious BIG & Bone Thugs-N-Harmony - Notorious Thugs

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Love this one. I've been diving head first (pun mildly intended, sorry) into the Talking Heads discography lately. There is just an infinite amount of intangible stuff to like about this band. Look at how much life David Byrne gives to even the simplest and most human of concepts:

I haven't got the faintest idea;
everything seems to be up in the air at this point.
But then also look at what a weirdo he is. The lighting at this show makes him look like The Scream.

Song #360: Talking Heads - Mind

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

I hope everybody had a great and filling Thanksgiving. Enjoy your leftovers!

Song #359: John Lennon - Cold Turkey

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

At this time of reflection, I am truly thankful for all you out there in the internets for spending your time here at Every Day, Another Song.  It has been quite the year and had I not felt the love coming back from the international blog-browsing community, I don't know if I would have stuck with it. Bet you think I don't have a sick Thanksgiving Song... You thought wrong.  

Song #358: William DeVaughn - Be Thankful For What You Got

BONUS SONG: Two Asian Guys on a Bed covering "Be Thankful For What You Got"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cut My Hair

So I got my haircut today. It had been a pretty long time since the last one and things were getting a little out of control. BUT to commemorate my recently shorn locks, I play David Crosby's follicular anthem. Picture here, if you are interested, (I went with the pensive look).

Song #356: CSNY - Almost Cut My Hair

Monday, November 22, 2010

Carlton and the Misprints

This little known, but widely appreciated Reggae outfit led by Carlton Manning caught my eye before it caught my ear. A name like Carlton and the Shoes is just so simply humble that I was immediately enticed to give it a listen. I'm extremely glad I did, because what I discovered was a forgotten gem from the archives of Studio One. The Shoes' debut record however was meant to read Carlton and The Shades, but a misprint ended up labeling them Carlton and The Shoes and the name stuck. 

Song #355: Carlton & The Shoes - Never Give Your Heart Away

BONUS SONG: Carlton & The Shoes - Sincerely Yours

Sunday, November 21, 2010


South African rap stars Die Antwoord recently took the US by storm with a series of Hardcore performances. Afrikaans for "The Answer," Ninja (seen below with Yours Truly) and Yo-landi Visser give us a look into the impoverished white ghettos and the effect of Apartheid on both ends of the spectrum. Spoiler alert: It's horrible and extremely depressing. These rappers try to supplant those black and white memories with a new concept, Zef. Female half, Yo-landi explains, "Zef is, you're poor but you're fancy. You're poor but you're sexy, you've got style." Watch the video below to see them in their natural (NSFW) habitat. 

Even Ninjas rep #EDAS 

Song #354: Die Antwoord - Enter the Ninja

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Wait is Over

After a long Fruit-Based Dipute, you can finally get The Beatles on iTunes. The only reason I particularly care about this is that I hope The Mops tops can bring a little truth and style to the Top Singles Charts. Take that Ke$ha.
from HC

Song #350: The Beatles - Wait

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I was sick all day. Truly a runny, mucky mess. I was in dire need of some soup.

Song #349: Blind Melon - Soup

Monday, November 15, 2010

Get Down (Part III)

Time to make down with the Shakedown

Song #348: Bob Marley and the Wailers - Soul Shakedown Party

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Get Down (Part II)

It's an All-Queens Biggie Sunday getting down today.

Song #347: Nas - Get Down

BONUS SONG: A Tribe Called Quest - We Can Get Down

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Get Down

This video looks like it was made for Public Access TV (my favorite).

Song #345: Kool and the Gang - Get Down On It

Friday, November 12, 2010


Tonight at Brooklyn Bowl is the concert event of a lifetime. I just heard that recently broken-up Tragedy: An All Metal Tribute to the Bee Gees, has reformed for a ONE NIGHT ONLY AFFAIR. Obviously overburdened by the pure excellence of the Gibbs Brothers, Three. This overwhelming Satanic Glam-Rock homage to Bee Gees, in fact the proclaim themselves...

"the No. 1 Heavy Metal Tribute to the Bee Gees in the Tri-State Area, eastern Pennsylvania, New England (excluding Rhode Island, Maine and New Hampshire), Los Angeles City, Anaheim City, Tampa City, Texas (excluding Ft. Worth City and Corpus Christie City), The Rocky Mountains, and the United Kingdom (excluding Northern Ireland and the greater Leeds City area)."
Well you can catch me there tonight Tragedy's swan song beginning at 9 pm. Missing it would be the real tragedy.

Song #345: Bee Gees - Tragedy

BONUS SONG: Tragedy - Stayin' Alive

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day

Today I just want to extend my appreciation to all the Men and Women who have, and are currently, protecting our country. Regardless of Poli-Tricks, our troops truly are out there to protect our freedoms, and there is no more respectable job than that.

Song #344: Bill Withers - I Can't Write Left Handed (Live at Carnegie Hall)

BONUS SONG: Small Faces - Tin Soldier

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hot Moves

Fellow Stuyvesant Pegleg Tim Robbins does his best James Brown, then The Godfather does his own thing in a completely insane Soul Train performance.

Song #343: James Brown - Good Foot/Soul Power/Make it Funky

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hip Hip

Because if there was no Tuesday, it'd still be Monday.

Song #342: The Minders - Hooray for Tuesday

Monday, November 8, 2010

Broader Than Broadway *UPDATE*

Barrington Levy, 11/11/2007 
Alrosa Villa, Columbus, Ohio

Song #341: Barrington Levy - Here I Come

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Savings Time

I know it's only an hour, but I still really get messed up by daylight savings time. DAMN YOU BENJAMIN FRANKLIN.

Photo taken at Benjamin Franklin's House, 
Philadelphia, PA, 2010

Song #340: Ninjasonik - Daylight Remix

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Feel a Little Poke

The Highlight of being dragged through shopping today was hearing this 1997, Middle School classic. Definitely the go-to song about Boners for my generation.

Song #339: Next - Too Close

Friday, November 5, 2010

Great Friday

Last night's show was AMAZING. Very reminiscent of the way The Allman Brothers play on tour. Good times indeed.

Song #338: The Black Crowes - Good Friday

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Freak & Roll

Tonight I will be at Times Square's Best Buy Theater for what could be The Black Crowes final tour (at least for a while). In this dude's humble opinion, The Crowes are the finest set of Minstrels, or the best group of touring musicians out there today. These guys are on the road around 75% of the year, spreading their music and paying homage to their influences the world over. This is going to be my 4th time seeing these guys, in my 3rd state (Tennessee, Ohio, and 2 in New York), every time at a different venue. I like to think that tonight's format is inspired by the second show I went to, which was during frontman Chris Robinson's divorce from talentless wannabee Chameleon, Kate Hudson. On that August day in 2008, heartbroken, Chris rallied his brother Rich and the other Crowes to perform an entire Acoustic set of their folksier, more existential tunes, followed by plugged-in, blow you away, Rock Heavy set. From what I'm hearing, tonight's Say Goodbye to the Bad Guys tour should be similar, but as explained before, still unlike any show ever.

Song #337: The Black Crowes - Stop Kicking My Heart Around

BONUS SONG: The Black Crowes - Seeing Things for the First (Fourth) Time

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Beginnings and Endings

Today we enter the final month of this project. I'm not sure what will become of it, or you, or me in the subsequent year(s) but I do know it's been a delight to have shared the last, god only knows, how many days (I just realized the counter is wrong) recommending songs out into the never-ending world wide web. 

As I work on fixing the math, I realize that if I have any songs or anecdotes left to share, I better start getting them out. During this year long process, I definitely have found myself holding on to certain ideas or records because there just wasn't enough time for me to fully synthesize my thoughts into a form that would do it any justice. Well, the gloves are off and I'm certainly going to be bringing it in this final month. I guarantee if it's not a ridiculous story (like Busta Christmas or Clowns at Bars) trust that the song is straight fire.  Strap in and Stay tuned.

Oh, the segue is that today's song has my favorite line to begin a song (Non Rap Category).

Song #336?: The Kinks - Animal Farm

Wait it's also this one... Prepare to be utterly blown away by Ziggy's main Spider, Mick Ronson.

BONUS SONG: David Bowie - Moonage Daydream

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Remember to get out there and vote... if that's your thang.

Song #328: Cream - Politician

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Draw Blood!

Bars all of the country are going to be playing this song tonight. Radio stations are probably going to be tiring this one out too.

Song #325: Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London

BONUS: 30 Rock's Spoof: Werewolf Bar Mitzvah...