Thursday, July 18, 2013

#EDAS Talks with TAUK. See them play an Intimate Show Tonight (7/18) at Spike Hill.

Recently, EDAS' newest soldier Stevez reviewed TAUK's great LP Homunculus. Afterwards the guys were nice enough to sit down and talk a little TAUK with us. 

EDAS: Are the songs on Homunculus just loose jams or do you already have them pretty much set in stone as far structure? Is there a lot of improvisation in the recording studio?

TAUK: There are a few sections on the album that we let loose a little bit, but for the most part everything on the album is pretty structured. We wanted the album to feel to the point and not have sections where it was just opened up for no reason. When we play live, we tend to play the songs a little bit differently each time, weather it's the feel or through extending certain parts and improvising more. It's something that happens kind of spontaneously at the shows and is really exciting, but we didn't think it would translate as well to the album. When it came to improvising on the album we picked our spots.

EDAS: What was it like working with famed producer Robert Carranza? I'm familiar with his work on the Mars Volta's Bedlam In Goliath and really love how he can give each instrument its own voice within the song.

TAUK: We had worked with Robert before, and going into the album new that we wanted to make it with him. Like you said, he is able to give each instrument its own voice within the song. We have some songs where there are lots of layers, a lot of things happening. You never want things to sound mushed together. Robert has an ear for keeping the parts that are necessary and making them fit together. You want to be able to hear all the details of everything that's happening.

EDAS: From a touring perspective, which do you prefer more; large festivals like Peach Fest or smaller DIY shows like your current Spike Hill Residency?

TAUK: It's hard to say which is better, because each has its own experience that you can't get from the other. We've definitely played more of the smaller shows, and I would say we feel more comfortable in that situation. Being close to the crowd with everybody in a smaller space, you can feel the energy right there. It's different at the bigger shows, but playing our shows on a larger scale like that really focuses us in. We always want to put on as good a show as possible so depending on the situation, whether its a bigger festival or smaller stage, we'll tweak our setlist and approach and try to have it come off in the right way.

New Yorkers can see them play one of their more intimate shows tonight as they finish their three show residency at Williamsburg's Spike Hill. Beginning next week the guys set out on a mainly East Coast tour that includes a string of shows with Robert Randolph and festival stops in Roscoe NY, Virginia and the insane looking Peach Fest in Scranton, PA. I have to say out of all the amazing looking festivals that fill every weekend of the summer across this country The Peach Music Festival may have the best lineup of them all. The promise of two nights of Allman Brothers sets has brought a caravan of spectacular musicians to Montage Mountain, just two hours outside of NYC. Besides the Allman's I am particularly excited for the Black Crowes, Gov't Mule, Grace Potter & The Nocturnals and TAUK's musical Big-Brother, Lotus. For tickets to that, you can click the giant ad below and it'll take you straight to Peach-Site.

Special thanks again to my boy Stevez and Matt Jalbert, axeman for TAUK for taking the time to speak with us. If you live anywhere in the area, I strongly advise you to come out tonight at around 11:00 to catch these boys from Oyster Bay. If you say "Every Day, Another Song" at the door they will let you in for free! Also if you say anything at the door they will let you in because it is a free show. Here's another jam from Homunculus, which is now available on iTunes.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Heat Wave Music: Sinkane's Warm Spell

Sinkane @ Summerstage
Sinkane @ Summerstage
This one has been on repeat all summer from the early rains to this week's heatwave. I Sinkane tear it up a few weeks ago at Summerstage. Stick with it for 40 seconds until the actual song starts. You may have another concern on your hands because this vid is a little NSFW due to slight nudity, but if you work in an art gallery I'm sure you'll be okay. Here's the totally SFW spotify link just in case you are worried.

Sinkane - Warm Spell

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Another Song: De La Soul, Get Away

De La's newest video reminds me of that old Nas Lyric, "As a music dude / I mastered this Rubik's Cube." These guys keep getting better with age so click below.

De La Soul - Get Away