North a bit on beautiful Hudson resides the anomalous mind of friend, Sal DeSiena. After a little encouragement, he began recording assorted compositions, on his own, in his makeshift studio in Poughkeepsie. It has been a interesting to watch this young solo career progress and I am happy to see a Soundcloud with his name on it pop up recently.
Sal has been a great friend to the blog since the beginning and today, on his birthday, I am happy to announce the debut of his newest composition, A Heart For Queens. I'm fairly certain that this one has not been posted anywhere else, so in honor of my compadre on his birthday, give it a listen. He has a great feel for those ambient ghostly sounds and has recently incorporated some great percussion skills into the mix. I look forward to seeing what grows from the musical seeds he is currently planting.
Sal DeSiena - A Heart For Queens