Best Afro/Teeth combination in the biz... Eddie Bo
The first time I heard this song, I was at a party in Brooklyn. The theme of the party was for my friend to get his roommate to like eating fish. So he threw him a party where we all ate fish and listened to funk music. Looking back, the fish was a little over cooked, but the funk came out just right. I dare you to try not to dance to this one.
Merry Christmas Eve to all you Ladies and Gents out there, in anonymous blog-reader-world. This is a perfect time to already thank you for spending any of your Yuletide moments here at Every Day, Another Song.
(Today's title comes from one of the comments on the youtube video itself.) Click through to listen to "Three Little Bears", a rare and favorite Jimi-Jam of mine from the Axis Outtakes Collection.
More importantly, enjoy your holiday!
Song #22: Jimi Hendrix - Little Drummer Boy/Silent Night
I recently began listening to some "Prog Rock." I didn't think I was going to like it, probably because in the 70's when it began I wasn't born yet, as opposed to rolling a joint in my mom's basement on a copy of "Lord Of the Rings." Before long I was drawn to it's symphonic complexity and at the same time, astounded at how is similar it is to today's Jam Band music. I had figured that most Jam Bands, such as Phish, Widespread Panic, String Cheese Incident and moe. had been most influenced by the original jammers like the Grateful Dead and The Band, it appears that the overlap between Prog and today's festival circuit is just as strong.
As far as Southern Rock goes, a lot of attention is given to rebel mainstays The Allman Brothers and Lynyrd Skynyrd. Now, I like Free Bird as much as the next person (well, maybe not this person), but as far as I'm concerned, Little Feat could be the best, most versatile act to ever use that Grand Ol' Country Style. One of the vital aspects of this music is the distinct wailing sound of the guitar. Lead singer and band founder, Lowell George is almost wholly personally responsible for the revival of the Slide, or Bottleneck Guitar in the 1970's.
One of the most impressive aspects of Little Feat is that their live music always sounded just as good, if not heaps better, than their produced studio stuff. For the best of both worlds, check out this live studio recording from 1974 where they just utterly rip it up one song after another. Highlights include Two Trains, Spanish Moon and Fat Man in The Bath Tub... Actually, the entire performance is a highlight.
Shout outs to my boy Benitals for turning me on to this one...
Possibly my favorite part about Reggae Music is the subject matter. Jamaica's musical scene has been constantly changing and evolving since it gained Independence from the UK in 1962. In the beginning there was a fast, instrument based, syncopated form of dance music called Ska, which throughout the 1960's blossomed into another (and my personal favorite) genre, called Rocksteady. In about 1966, influenced by Soul and R&B acts in America, Ska began to slow down and take a more vocal and lyrical emphasis, although still mainly confined to Love Songs. By the 1970's many of the lyrics were intertwined with the Rastafari movement as well as the migration of many Jamaicans into large ghettos and shanty-towns like Trenchtown, Kingston. Similar to their American counterparts at Motown Records, Jamaican songwriters like Alton Ellis, Bob Andy and Jimmy Cliff expressed the difficulty of growing up in such tight and poor conditions while remaining dedicated to a lifestyle of hard work and spirituality ("Jah is love, or God, whichever way you might accept it." Dennis Brown ). Before long, Roots Reggae was coming out of these communities to unite and inspire the masses through song. Today, almost 50 years later, the message still rings true.
The Northeast has been completely covered in snow, and just like almost everything around here, I am sorry to announce that Biggie Sunday has been snowed out. It is just to much of a winter winterland out there to ignore it in today's song choice. Last night there were over 6 standing inches of snow almost everywhere in the city. This is what we were dealing with.
I was looking through the archives for a good song that expresses the feeling of snow, because I have always felt that Music is supremely environmental. I believe this is true in a broad sense, with factors such as Homeland and Culture, and on a slightly smaller level, like one's situation within the above categories or even the particular home, but even on a more meta level, as with the specific climate of the day (see my previous post, How do you deal with the Rain?). For some, snow is a debilitating obstacle, but for me, snow is always rich with the feeling of childhood and wonder. Sometimes its hard to find music that has those qualities since most recorded music is built around more adult themes, (such as life, love, loss). However in perusing my more modern selections I came across a song that directly expresses my feelings.
Song #18: Animal Collective - Winter's Love
UPDATE: Ok, I couldn't leave you guys without a Biggie Sunday Song. Here is the coldest, iciest, most frosted rap collab between two of my favorite New York rappers ever. Warning though, super explicit, just like Ol' Dirty Bastard's entire life. If you have any favorite snow songs, or even if you just like the blog use the comments section to LET ME KNOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW.