Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
It has been 5 years since Hurricane Katrina. It's just an interesting thing to think about it. It was truly a unforgettable event, the effects of which reached far beyond the gulf and into America's collective psyche. The first mass loss of innocence for the US since 9/11 and we all watched together as the country we all believe in could barely get it together and save itself. I remember a friend continuously calling me and telling me that there was going to be a huge catastrophe in New Orleans and nobody was talking about it or preparing and I remember thinking he was crazy. I just couldn't fathom that we wouldn't be able to handle any sort of event developing out in front of everyone to see, but I was (and possibly 'we were') all wrong.
Well here we stand 5 whole years later. We have definitely made strides in some areas. The above picture, posted by my favorite photoblog The Big Picture, now looks like this
Well at least they put the fire out...
Regardless of the way anything was handled, or mishandled, N'awlins
is a unique and extraordinary, not to mention fragile place whose contributions to American Music can barely be measured. For that reason I dedicate today to The Big Easy in honor of the steps it has taken towards recovery, and for the opportunity to reclaim it's rightful place among the top American Cultural Cities.
Today we're doing a freakishly accurate song about how a hurricane could foreseeably destroy N'awlins
Song #266: Levon Helm – Hurricane (won't play? Click here
Thursday, August 26, 2010
100 More Days
Day Number 265! Only 100 more to go on this psycho-musicological experiment.
Time flies...I feel like it was only yesterday that I turned 25, had small panic attack and started this blog. Thanks to everyone that has been checking in in the days since, it's been quite an interesting ride. I look forward to the final push to see where this year-long journey takes me. Please stay tuned.
Song #265: Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings - 100 Days, 100 Nights
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Bodyguard Named Betty
Hat tip to my good buddy (and frequent commenter) Sal, who sent me this Craigslist post from Philly. It's music involvement and quirkiness rivals my "Budos Butt" Missed Connection
from earlier this summer.
Some "Al" out there has a very particular request. Since Craig deleted my post after a couple of weeks, I have copied the body of the request below:
Song #264: Paul Simon - You Can Call Me Al
Some "Al" out there has a very particular request. Since Craig deleted my post after a couple of weeks, I have copied the body of the request below:
So the question is: Lonely, Paul Simon-loving weirdo, or Crazy, Psychopathic Murder? I say, no need to Pigeon hole him; why can't "Al" be both?"Seeking Bodyguard Named Betty
I am a Paul Simon fan in my mid thirties. As my name is Al, for the past 20 years I've been searching for a friend named Betty with whom I could sing the Paul Simon song "You Can Call Me Al." Imagine how much fun we could have singing along with the lyrics and pointing at each other when our names are mentioned! We could sing it together on road trips with the windows down, at home with our stereos cracked loud, we can smile at each other knowingly when it's played in gas stations and grocery stores and text each other when we're apart and it comes on the radio. I'm especially looking forward to acting out our own version of the classic Paul Simon Chevy Chase music video. We can post it on Youtube!
Just to be clear, I'm not really looking for a bodyguard (that's a lyric from the song haha!) just a friend named Betty.
If you want we could maybe sing other Paul Simon songs at some point but I'd really rather we stick with our namesakes You Can Call Me Al. Of course I want proof your name is really Betty so when we meet I'll need to see a state issued photo ID with that name. I'll also accept Elizabeth, Roberta or Beatrix.
Please write back soon I can't wait to hang out
-Your long lost pal!!!
Song #264: Paul Simon - You Can Call Me Al
Paul Simon
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Straight outta Brooklyn, we have The Phenomenal Handclap Band. If you aren't from the city, you might still be the first person on your block to hear it. Buy the mp3 Album
Song #263: The Phenomenal Handclap Band - Baby
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Straight Nasty
What is nastier? Biggie's freestyle skills, or the way he looks in this Photo? I'd usually say his rap skills but this time I'm torn. Pic credit to the über-jew, Kiroshima
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Hmm, this photo really seems to showcase his lazy eye, and his love of Cosby Sweaters. |
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