Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Blog from My Mom on Mother's Day

As the only female in our house while your host, Matthew and his little brother  David were growing up (even the turtle was a boy), I felt it my sacred duty as their mother to teach my sons about “the fairer sex."
Men always think we’re impossible to understand, too confusing and unpredictable. I’ll let you in on a little secret – we’re much simpler than you think. And, if you’re honest, you probably want the same things we do. Since this is “Every Day Another Song,” let me explain in music.

  • We want you to love us for who we really are and to tell us that we’re wonderful, beautiful, smart, capable, and always desirable (don’t you want that, too?) 

  • We want mutual respect and support – a real partner and cheerleader.

  • We want us to want the same things – have the same dreams and goals in life.

  • We want fun and romance. Remember those birthdays, anniversaries, “just because.” days, and a slow dance every so often.

And, while I don’t believe love is enough to sustain a long-term relationship all on its own, it surely is the basis of one – and, after all, we could all use a guardian angel.

So, guys, on this Mother’s Day and always, I…

Love and kisses,

Song #155: A TON... Including but not limited to: Billy Joel - Just The Way You Are, Ethel Merman - Coming Up Roses, Ella Fitzgerald - Isn't It Romantic, Bing Crosby & Grace Kelly - True Love and Dean Martin - I Wish You Love 

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