Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wham! Bam! Thank You Ma'am!

Since our last (and first) Guest Blogger was such a success, I decided to open the floor to another extremely interesting voice, another really great friend of mine, Lee. She and I go back basically as long as any of my adult masculine qualities do; oddly enough she seemed to get them first. Lee realized I have been holding back a little on posting British Rock Music from the 70's, since, checking the statistics, that would be the most common EDAS post. However I have just been slowing it down on my UK imports while I spread the love around to some of the other genres. Today I am able to stay true to my personal embargo, while a guest contributor hops across the pond for me. She is awesome... Remember to Vote and Enjoy!


Hello Everyone. This is Lee, a long-time reader, first time contributor at Every Day, Another Song. While I know our fearless leader has put a personal freeze on Brit rock as he claims to write way too much about it (Small Faces, The Who, Queen, Yes, The Stones, Led Zep, Zombies, Spacehog) but luckily, us lesser contributors do not have to adhere to such lofty goals.

My love affair with British men in tight pants began early in life, as my father was a DJ, and I grew up with such gems as The Rolling StonesTheir Satanic Majesties Request.” So while other children at my all-girls Upper East Side private school were buying Prada and listening to Backstreet Boys, I was wearing my softball shoes all day and listening to the one, the only, David Bowie.

Now my favorite of the Bowie albums is the magnificent opus, 1972's “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.” I just… I can’t think of an album I love more as a whole than this one. I already have a tendency to dance down the street like a crazy, or at least strut my stuff to the beat (I have been caught by friends on more that one occasion and been made fun of mercilessly). And the one song that grabs a hold of my pelvis and just won’t let go is “Suffragette City” (MoHo would be proud!).

From the first chord all the way through the song grabs your face, throws a massive amount of pink glitter in it, makes you strap on some thigh high boots, and kick the first hater you see straight in the baby-maker (differs based on gender of said hater). Lastly, the build-up and execution of “WHAM! BAM! THANK YOU MA’AM!” is unparalleled. Before I spoil more, and without further ado, I give you “Suffragette City.”

Editor's side note/Citrus based confession: One time I threw a Lime into David Bowie's Rooftop Pool from Nat's Roof 4 buildings away.

Song #56: David Bowie - Suffragette City

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