For All Your Parking Needs
Anyway my brother has been the best audience a creative person could have and he is definitely a big inspiration for me to continue in my various exploratory pursuits. He is set to make a direct impact and save the world through focusing on Wildlife Conservation and making sure that our animal brethren are able to enjoy this beautiful planet as much as we Homo Sapiens Sapiens get to. He is a great, hilarious, super bright character who I am proud to call my partner in crime. Happy Birthday David!
In honor of the kid, a song from the Pre-Cuba Gooding (Yes, Cuba Gooding Junior's Dad) era of The Main Ingredient. This Album, LTD is a hidden treasure, inspired by early 50's and 60's vocal groups with excellent production and instrumentation. These kids out of Harlem hit all their notes and harmonies behind original Lead Singer, Donald McPherson, who fell ill and suddenly died shortly after the album was released. Although Cuba Gooding Senior's regime was kicked off with their Mega-Hit, "Everybody Plays the Fool," there is definitely something to be said for the moment in time that was captured on this record. To David... and ok you too Cuba's.
Song #77: The Main Ingredient - Brotherly Love
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