At a ballin' club in Tel Aviv, this sick Israeli Band covered some seriously epic songs. The dude lead singer had crazy facial hair and the Girl singer may have been an Angel. All 40-some odd of us birthrighters crowded into LIMA LIMA and we tore it up.
Photo Credit: Lima-Lima DJ, Mickey Martin
I was a little שתוי myself so I don't remember every hit on the set list, but I do remember grabbing the mic and rapping Biggie's verse to Mo' Money, Mo' Problems in front of the whole crowd at LIMA LIMA.
Every song got the crowd rowdy and it had to be one of the best partying experiences of my life. If you are ever in the Holy Land, stop by Lilenblum 42 in Tel Aviv and hit it up, tell them you heard about them from some crappy website in the USA.
Quick Note though: You should probably know on some nights it's a Gay Bar, but who's counting?
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